Research & Resources


Every day, patients, physicians, and staff are forced to contend with bias in the hospital environment. Although the negative effects of this exposure are in...

Getting Started: How, Why, and Lessons Learned

Panelists from Michigan Medicine, the University of Maryland, and the American Journal of Surgery hosted an introductory webinar about the curriculum on July 7, 2020. This webinar will address why and how to implement a cultural complications curriculum at your institution, as well as lessons learned from pilot programs at the University of Michigan and University of Maryland.


understanding the diversity bonus in medicine

The Diversity Bonus: How Great Teams Pay Off in the Knowledge Economy

The Influence of Ethnic Diversity on Leadership, Group Process, and Performance: an examination of learning teams

Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter

When and Why Diversity Improves Your Board’s Performance

The Difference

Learn how you can use data and science to make work better at If the problem is hard, the best team doesn't consist of the best individual performers. It's the cognitively diverse teams that yield better outcomes. Dr. Scott Page, professor of Complex Systems, Political Science, and Economics at the University of Michigan, explains why at re:Work 2016.


A surgeon, Melina Kibbe, discovers her own research is sex-biased and becomes an effective advocate, helping to spur new national-level policy to eliminate sex bias in biomedical and clinical research. Read the accompanying post: American Scientist is the illustrative, award-winning magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society and is your source of science, technology and engineering news and features since 1913!

The United States is becoming more and more diverse, but there is still a long way to go to diversify the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Scientist Nicole Cabrera Salazar shares her perspective on diversity in STEM and the reasons we should be actively engage underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines.


implicit bias and microaggressions

Gender Disparity in Analgesic Treatment of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Abdominal Pain

Ethnicity as a Risk Factor for Inadequate Emergency Department Analgesia

Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test

Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: III. Meta-analysis of predictive validity

Implicit Bias among Physicians and its Prediction of Thrombolysis Decisions for Black and White Patients

Racial microaggressions in everyday life: Implications for clinical practice.

Not So Subtle: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Correlates of Subtle and Overt Discrimination

The weight of racism: Vigilance and racial inequalities in weight-related measures

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence: Reconsidering the Role of Chronic Stress

Strong claims and weak evidence: Reassessing the predictive validity of the IAT

Predicting ethnic and racial discrimination: A meta-analysis of IAT criterion studies

Test–retest reliability and predictive validity of the Implicit Association Test in children

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Janet Crawford dives into the unconscious associations that are often made with regard to gender. It's hard not to reflect on our own unconscious associations as she talks through how our brain creates associations to help us make sense of the world.

National attention has been focused on overt racial tensions on college campuses across the country. But what about smaller, subtle, more persistent forms of racism? Special correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault speaks to Derald Wing Sue of Teachers College at Columbia University about the ways that everyday "microaggressions" can affect people.

There's a difference between discrimination and vigilance, says Margaret Hicken, director of the University of Michigan RacismLab. Discrimination entails day-to-day instances of prejudice whereas vigilance is a never-ending, daily anticipation of discrimination or prejudice. Read the full story:

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Stereotype threat

Impact of Weight Bias and Stigma on Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients with Obesity

Stereotype Threat and the Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans

Stereotype Threat and Women's Math Performance

Stereotyping and Its Threat are Real

Improving Adolescents' Standardized Test Performance: an intervention to reduce the effects of stereotype threat

Converging evidence that stereotype threat reduces working memory capacity.

Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do (Issues of Our Time)

Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Application

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race

The Social Psychology of Stigma


Vigilance intersectionality

Toward a Field of Intersectionality Studies: Theory, Applications, and Praxis

Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics University of Chicago Legal Forum

Incorporating intersectionality theory into population health research methodology: Challenges and the potential to advance health equity

The Weight of Racism: Vigilance and Racial Inequalities in Weight-Related Measures

“Every Shut Eye, Ain’t Sleep”: The Role of Racism-Related Vigilance in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Sleep Difficulty

Death by a thousand cuts: The health implications of black respectability politics.

Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both.

If we want science and technology to truly change the world as it certainly can, we need to understand how overlapping forms of discrimination leave some people and perspectives out, and what it might look like to recognize and welcome inclusive participation. Shawntel Okonkwo is an award-winning Ph.D.

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Gender Schemas

Gender Schema Theory: A cognitive account of sex typing.

Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations: Sometimes it does hurt to ask

Competent Yet Out in the Cold: Shifting Criteria for Hiring Reflect Backlash Toward Agentic

Why is gender even a thing? To answer that, we're going back to our three sociological paradigms and how each school of thought approaches gender theory. We'll look at the structural functionalist view that gender is a way of organizing society into complementary roles, the symbolic interactionist take on how gender guides our daily life, and conflict theory's ideas about how gender distributes power within society.

Why is it so important for us to know someone else's gender? We live in a gendered world, but for Audrey, gender is fluid at best an uncomfortable construct. Is there a way to be less reliant on gender in our interactions with people?

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Gender Fair Language

Linguistic Relativity

Does sex-biased job advertising ‘‘aid and abet’’ sex discrimination?

Does Gender-Fair Language Pay Off? The Social Perception of Professions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective

Using Masculine Generics: Does generic he increase male bias in the user's imagery?

The Gendering of Language: A Comparison of Gender Equality in Countries with Gendered, Natural Gender, and Genderless Languages

What is in a Pronoun?: Why Gender-fair Language Matters.

Can Gender-Fair Language Reduce Gender Stereotyping and Discrimination?

Promoting Gender-Fair Language: The Impact of Arguments on Language Use, Attitudes, and Cognitions

Guidelines for Gender­-Fair Use of Language

Do your words support gender equality and inclusion? Or do they reflect and reinforce a history of excluding women from privilege and power? Listen as Win Chesson shares the story of how his language hurt his family and why your decision to use gender-inclusive language matters.

The notion that all humans are equal is the defining idea of our age. Yet, it is an idea we do not live up to. People are excluded and discriminated against on the basis of sex, gender, race, religion, sexuality. In this urgent and relevant talk, Anne Phillips argues that we need shift how we think of equality.

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Evaluation and Assessment

Comparison of Male vs Female Resident Milestone Evaluations by Faculty During Emergency Medicine Residency Training

Racial Disparities in Medical Student Membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society

The Effect of Gender on Resident Autonomy in the Operating room

Exploring the Color of Glass: Letters of Recommendation for Female and Male Medical Faculty

Nepotism and Sexism in Peer Review

Analysis of NIH R01 Application Critiques, Impact and Criteria Scores: Does the Sex of the Principal Investigator Make a Difference?

A Quantitative Linguistic Analysis of National Institutes of Health R01 Application Critiques from Investigators at One Institution.

How Gender Bias Corrupts Performance Reviews, and What to Do About It

The evaluation, selection and recruitment processes should follow objectivity, fairness and transparency criteria in each Research Performing Organization (RPO). Evaluation commissions should base their decisions only on quality and must guarantee the equal treatment to all candidates/applicants, irrespective of sex and gender, nationality and ethnicity, sexual orientations, religion and disabilities.

full story: Does gender bias prevent women from being treated fairly in job interviews, performance assessments, and other evaluations? Yale SOM's Tristan Botelho and his co-author looked at bias in the investment industry by examining data from an online stock recommendation platform. They found that women's ideas simply get less attention than their male colleagues'.


Mentoring and Sponsorship

Mentoring in Academic Medicine: a systematic review

Clinician-trialist rounds, 7: mentoring: why every clinician-trialist needs to get mentored

Female Surgeons in the 1990s: Academic Role Models

Minority faculty voices on diversity in academic medicine: perspectives from one school

Taking Root in a Forest Clearing: A Resource Guide for Medical Faculty

Faculty of color in academe: What 20 years of literature tells us

Race, disadvantage and faculty experiences in academic medicine.

Differences in Mentor-Mentee Sponsorship in Male vs Female Recipients of National Institutes of Health Grants

Female peer mentors early in college increase women's positive academic experiences and retention in engineering

Many diverse groups of learners are considered disadvantaged when applying to medical school, including students from underserved communities, students raised in rural areas, students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and students considered underrepresented in medicine based on race and ethnicity.

The Society of Black Academic Surgeons (SBAS) motivates, mentors and inspires young surgeons and medical students to pursue academic careers. Robert Higgins, surgeon-in-chief at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, and Edward Cornwell, III, surgeon-in-chief at Howard University Hospital -- previous presidents of SBAS -- discuss the important role the organization plays in the field of academic medicine.

With 2.4 million STEM jobs unfilled in the United States, it is more important than every to encourage students to persist in STEM majors. However, persistence in STEM is a challenge for all students with over half the students leaving the majors. Mentorship has the potential to address the shortage in STEM of students from diverse backgrounds.


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leadership and national representation

The State of Women in Academic Medicine: The Pipeline and Pathways to Leadership.

Women, Surgery, and Leadership: Where We Have Been, Where We Are, Where We Are Going

Gender Disparities in Medical Student Research Awards: A 13-Year Study From the Yale School of Medicine.

Addressing Women's Under-Representation in Medical Leadership

Clinical Excellence Awards: successful candidates 2017

This mathematical formula shows that all-male panels are sexist

Conference Diversity Distribution Calculator

Speaker Introductions at Internal Medicine Grand Rounds: Forms of Address Reveal Gender Bias

Representation of women in speaking roles at surgical conferences

Dr. Susan Moeschler, an anesthesiologist and researcher at Mayo Clinic, shares her research on the challenges women face as medical professionals. This interview originally aired May 12, 2018.

Dr. Susan Fleming is a Senior Lecturer at Cornell's Hotel School. After a successful career on Wall Street, she earned a PhD focused on understanding why there are so few women in leadership positions in U.S. society.

PRSGrandRounds presents: "Women in Plastic Surgery." An interactive lecture and Q&A featuring Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery experts Heather j. Furnas, MD & Paco Canales, MD. On July 13, 2017 at 8pm CST, Dr. Furnas participated in a #PRSGrandRounds live lecture and Q&A hosted by @PRSJournal via Facebook Live.


Salary, Imposter Syndrome and Sticky Floors

Association for Academic Surgery presidential address: sticky floors and glass ceilings

Gender Differences in the Salaries of Physician Researchers

Sex Differences in Physician Salary in US Public Medical Schools

Sex Differences in Institutional Support for Junior Biomedical Researchers

Medicare relative value units for gender-specific procedures: Gynecologic and gynecologic-oncologic versus urologic CPT coding. Has time healed gender-worth

Comparison of 2015 Medicare relative value units for gender-specific procedures: Gynecologic and gynecologic-oncologic versus urologic CPT coding. Has time healed gender-worth?

Relationship between work-home conflicts and burnout among American surgeons

A Structured Compensation Plan Improves But Does Not Erase the Sex Pay Gap in Surgery

Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH gives her AAS Presidential Address "Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings" during the 2017 Academic Surgical Congress in Las Vegas, NV. With the increased diversity of our surgical workforce, we must examine our current practices and ensure that we are allowing for unbiased equality in career advancement. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite.

Even after writing eleven books and winning several awards, Maya Angelou couldn't escape the doubt that she hadn't earned her accomplishments. This feeling of fraudulence is extremely common. Why can't so many of us shake feelings that our ideas and skills aren't worthy of others' attention?


Hiring and Retention

Science Faculty’s Subtle Gender Biases favor Male Students

Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination

Gender Differences in Time Spent on Parenting and Domestic Responsibilities by High-Achieving Young Physician-Researchers

Preventing the tower from toppling for women in surgery

Association of American Medical Colleges. Distribution of U.S. medical school faculty by race/ethnicity. [Accessed April 8, 2008]. Available at: (

Faculty self-reported experience with racial and ethnic discrimination in academic medicine.

Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of “Blind” Auditions on Female Musicians

Boards Are Overlooking Qualified Women. Here’s How to Fix That

Research: When People See More Women at the Top, They’re Less Concerned About Gender Inequality Elsewhere

Caroline Simard, Research Director at Stanford's Clayman Institute for Gender Research, discusses implicit bias and stereotypes in science with Jeff Miller, Berkeley Lab's Head of Public Affairs. For more info:

Liz Kingston shares 3 very common unconscious biases in the recruitment process as well as a number of strategies on how to counter these. For more information or to see how we can help visit

Once a Goth chick living in the East Village of New York City, now in the corporate world, Tolstoi-Miller shares her very personal story of bias and how recognizing her own unconscious bias taught her to say "so what". Inspirational. Motivational. And 100%, totally real.


Sustaining Diversity Initiatives

Best Practices or Best Guesses? Assessing the Efficacy of Corporate Affirmative Action and Diversity Policies

Working toward gender diversity and inclusion in medicine: myths and solutions

Mentoring program for minority faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Rage against the iron cage: the varied effects of bureaucratic personnel reforms on diversity


Our vision is to achieve workforce diversity and advance recruitment of groups underrepresented in surgery.

William McDade, MD, PhD, deputy provost for research and minority issues at the University of Chicago, presenting at AMA's ChangeMedEd 2015 conference on physician diversity.